Tuesday 7 October 2014

Visualisation Group Presentation Documentation


What we visualised:
- weekly box office revenue for the three highest grossing movies of all time- not adjusted for inflation
- number of words spoken by significant characters in each movie

How are we 'creating' it by making it visible?
- creating a niche category to focus on spoken dialogue in movies
- potential patterns in this spoken dialogue and proportions that may inform success of movies or bias for certain characters

Difference between publishing this and general written commentary:
- more effective to look at and therefore more engaging
- easier comparison between films because there is a uniform design
- able to visualise what may be boring or difficult to write about, in this case the amount of words said by a character is not article worthy but may be worthy to publish in a visualisation

Impact on publics:
- Film critics can use this information to inform their research and also support or refute their opinions
- General public can use this information in order to make decisions about what movies to watch
- Film studies can have another dimension of statistics and logistical details added to it as opposed to studying classical plot structures and camera shots etc
- Film creators can therefore use this information to help them make decisions about films


Box Office Revenue:

IMDb.com, Inc. (2014) Avatar (2009), USA
Accessed: 28 September, 2014

IMDb.com, Inc. (2014) Titanic (1997), USA
Accessed: 28 September, 2014

IMDb.com, Inc. (2014) Marvel’s The Avengers (2012), USA
Accessed: 28 September, 2014

Word Count (manually collated from scripts):

IMSDb.com. Avatar (2009), USA
Accessed: 6 October, 2014

IMSDb.com. Titanic (1997), USA
Accessed: 7 October, 2014

Scribd Inc. (2014) Avengers Script (2012), USA
Accessed: 5 Octover, 2014
<< https://www.scribd.com/doc/100239869/Avengers-Script >>



Blogger doesn't seem to have an option to upload files onto blog posts therefore this is the PowerPoint Presentation file used in the presentation posted by another group member onto their wordpress blog:

http://lifesbeautifulencounters.wordpress.com/?attachment_id=30 >>

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